The is situated five kilometers away from the Kampala city centre on plot 5 Kira road. When coming from Kampala, pass through Wandegeya trading centre and by Mulago hospital. Just before Kamwokya Town is a large sign post reading Uganda Museum.
The Uganda Museum is the oldest in East Africa with a collection exceeding one million specimens. The core of the collections is ethnography and fossils.
Mission statement
“To impart knowledge of cultural and natural heritage to the present and future generations for their enjoyment”
“Promote, protect and present the cultural and natural heritage of Uganda through collection, conservation, preservation, study and information dissemination for delectation and education.”
Aims and Methods
The Museum seeks to portray Uganda and the activities of its people by preserving and disseminating information about it and its peoples to the visitors.
Northern Uganda Memorials sites |
In 1990s when the Lord Resistance rebels (LRA) started abducting, maiming people and raided villages for food, the local people lacked protection. On the day of 25th April 1995, the LRA abducted and killed 150 people at Atiak in Amuru district. The concentrated Camp was first created at Pabbo in 1996 and hosted about 75000 of inhabitants from Atiak and near by places. Lokude IDP camp Just 20 kilomtres from Gulu town, was one of the villages affected by the northern Uganda conflict and people who lived the village were forced into the Internal Displaced camp of Coope, however, when the camp became congested, the people of Lukodi were decongested into camp of Lukodi in 2003, but little did they know they would be attacked by the LRA forces on the evening of 19th May 2004, the camp huts were burnt, gun bullets landed on innocent people, the children were smashed until 59 people were blood murdered. Barlonyo massacre site On 21st February 2004, about 300 people were brutally killed by the Lords Resistance Rebels, they burnt the Barlonyo IDP camp. As part of the healing process the government put up a monument at the site of the massacre, but people living in the area are still traumatized. There is need to do more to restore the dignity and self esteem of the victims. St. Mary’s Aboke Girls School This is a missionary girl’s school where 139 girls were abducted by the Lord Resistance Army on the 9th october1996. 109 of those young girls were released to the Italian sister The school established peace garden and a monument remember and commemorate the lives of suffering girls and Sister Rachael. The school buildings are being renovated, and to maintain the history of the place, one of the old buildings is being restored under the supervision of the Uganda National Museum.
The Uganda Museum announces the discovery in Karamoja of a fossil skull of a remote cousin of Hominidae by a team of researchers from Uganda and France |
A sub-complete skull of a fossil ape, aged between 19 and 20 millions years, attributed to Ugandapithecus major was found on July 18th at Napak XV, a fossil site near Iriri in Karamoja by a team of researchers from Uganda and France.
The skull is of a young adult male as shown by the size of canines and by the fact that the teeth are fully erupted but not heavily worn. It probably belongs to the same individual (also a young male adult) whose fragments of lower jaw were found last year by the same team. The skull is of similar dimensions to that of a large male chimpanzee, but the teeth are the size of those of a gorilla.